
Faraday Discussion: Coverslip injector

Together with cryoWrite and Roche, a research group in the Biozentrum of the University Basel presented a Faraday Discussion paper improving the grid quality and reducing background noise using cryoWriter technology. They use a “coverslip” injector to modulate the air-water interface with amphiphilic molecules:

  • Rima, L.; Zimmermann, M.; Fränkl, A.; Clairfeuille, T.; Lauer, M.; Engel, A.; Engel, H.-A.; Braun, T. CryoWriter: A Blotting Free Cryo-EM Preparation System with a Climate Jet and Cover-Slip Injector. Faraday Discussions2022.

cryoWriter Technology in action

Here you will find an early video explaining the cryoWriter technology for negative stain, cryo-EM, and single-cell visual proteomics.


Reference for the video:

  • Schmidli, C.; Rima, L.; Arnold, S. A.; Stohler, T.; Syntychaki, A.; Bieri, A.; Albiez, S.; Goldie, K. N.; Chami, M.; Stahlberg, H.; Braun, T. Miniaturized Sample Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy. JoVE2018, No. 137, e57310.

The video summarizes technologies and methods published before:

  1. Kemmerling, S.; Ziegler, J.; Schweighauser, G.; Arnold, S. A.; Giss, D.; Müller, S. A.; Ringler, P.; Goldie, K. N.; Goedecke, N.; Hierlemann, A.; Stahlberg, H.; Engel, A.; Braun, T. Connecting 𝜇-Fluidics to Electron Microscopy. J. Struct. Biol.2012, 177 (1), 128–134.
  2. Arnold, S. A.; Albiez, S.; Opara, N.; Chami, M.; Schmidli, C.; Bieri, A.; Padeste, C.; Stahlberg, H.; Braun, T. Total Sample Conditioning and Preparation of Nanoliter Volumes for Electron Microscopy. ACS Nano2016, 10 (5), 4981–4988.
  3. Kemmerling, S.; Arnold, S. A.; Bircher, B. A.; Sauter, N.; Escobedo, C.; Dernick, G.; Hierlemann, A.; Stahlberg, H.; Braun, T. Single-Cell Lysis for Visual Analysis by Electron Microscopy. J. Struct. Biol.2013, 183, 467–473.
  4. Arnold, S. A.; Albiez, S.; Bieri, A.; Syntychaki, A.; Adaixo, R.; McLeod, R. A.; Goldie, K. N.; Stahlberg, H.; Braun, T. Blotting-Free and Lossless Cryo-Electron Microscopy Grid Preparation from Nanoliter-Sized Protein Samples and Single-Cell Extracts. J. Struct. Biol.2017, 197 (3), 220–226.
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