Structure determination

Cryo-EM methods made impressive progress during the last years. New detectors and data processing algorithms advanced the resolution of single particle analysis significantly. This single-particle approach allows structure determination of proteins without crystallization and replaces X-ray methods, particularly for large protein complexes.

Number of published structures with cryo-EM, X-ray and NMR, logarithmic line graphs

Structure determination of biological molecules has been dominated by X-Ray analysis of three-dimensional crystals. In the last decade, cryo-EM evolved to the structural biologists driving method, as indicated by the exponential growth of atomic structures solved by the single-particle analysis approach.

Number of published structures with cryo-EM, X-ray and NMR, linear bar graphs

However, one bottle-neck remained: Sample preparation. cryoWrite provides unique microfluidic methods for protein isolation, sample preparation, and nano-analytics to overcome this remaining hurdle. This may contribute to a further growth of cryo-EM for protein structure determination.

Last update: 2020-12-01

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